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Oxford Phrasebuilder Extras Meetings

ɔksfəɹd fɹe͡izbɪldəɹ ɛkstɹəz mitɪŋz


1 general:: You have or hold a meeting:The company plans to hold its annualgeneral meeting in May.making a pointBefore the meetingYou generally: invite people to attend the meeting, or call/convene the meeting draw up an agenda circulate the agendaThe Prime Minister convened the first meeting of the UN Security Council.If too many people are not able to attend, you may need to postpone or cancel/call off the meeting.In a meeting you can:addressconsiderdeal withdebatediscusslook at/intotackleissues / matters / problemsAt the meetingAt a formal meeting, you usually appoint somebody to: chair the meeting keep/take minutesAfter the chair has opened the meeting, the first points/items on the agenda are often to: approve/agree the minutes of the previous meeting agree on the agenda for the current meetingIt may be necessary to: add an item to the agenda remove sth / take sth off / leave sth off the agendaIf you don't spend much time on an issue, you touch on the issue. If you pay a lot of attention to an issue you:considerdeal withdiscusslook atthe issue in depth/in detaildebatediscussthe issue at lengthhavean in depth discussion about/on the issuehavetakean in depth look at the issuedebating at lengthYou usually make decisions at meetings. You can also:reachmakeagree ontakeadopt(an) agreementa compromisea conclusiona consensusa decisiona proposala recommendationa compromisefurther actiona decisiona votea resolutionAfter hours of negotiation, workers and management reached a compromise.The environmental commission made a proposal for a new park in the city.The shareholders took a vote on the proposed merger.Giving your opinionmakeraisegive/statereaching a consensusa pointa proposala suggestionan issuean objectiona pointyour opinionyour viewMay I make a suggestion to the chairman of the board?The workers raised an objection to longer working hours.He invited the committee members to give their opinion.Ending the meetingAfter the meetingYou can: adjourn the meeting until a later date close the meeting bring the meeting to a close declare the meeting closedThis meeting is adjourned until next week.The chairman brought the meeting to a close by thanking all those who had attended.The High Commissioner for HumanRights declared the meeting closed.It is usual to: draw up the minutes circulate the minutes

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